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Reflect Tools
Tech Specs
Introducing Reflect

Ai-Wave possesses an extensive palette of 3D real time engines and development tools. This system is called Reflect. Reflect is more than just a 3D real time engine. It is a complete work environment, with a comprehensive range of graphic, sound, physics and network engines, with real time debugging and production tools. For any big games project, the technological foundations are key to work efficiency and commercial success. 

Multi-Platform Conversion :

Reflect has been arduously designed to cope with the constraints of today's multi-platform conversion. Running within its own memory management, graphic user interface, and device control, Reflect's architecture allows for faster, smoother conversion to new platforms.

Development Systems and Work Efficiency :

Reflect is also the culmination of years of developing diverse games projects and understanding the importance of studio technology in the speed / cost efficiency / performance of any games project.

Advantages :

Reflect enables programmers and artists to work within a highly advanced system and focus man hours on the game content itself. For example, artists can view and modify their graphic work in real time on the target machine (as opposed to the typical method of converting artwork between 2D, 3D tools, and the game system, which creates irritating differences in lighting, colour, special effects, and texturing.)

Reflect also operates within a multi-session / multi-user system, allowing programmers and artists to come back to exactly where they left off on any number of jobs. Throughout an entire development cycle (in particular during de-bugging when programmers can re-run any number of projects hundreds of times a day) Reflect's multi-session / multi-user system results in a colossal saving of man hours.

For more detailed information on Reflect (architecture, Dev Tools and Technical Specs) please click on the links below. 


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